There are some bands that their music is so difficult to be described... Ok we all know the power of the written words but sometimes if you do not listen to the music you would not be able to understand the Magic of this band. What I said? Magic? Indeed... Well take a look at the front cover of the one and only LP that this band from Danville, Kentucky, USA have released. Can you see the wizard? Of course yu can. Well let him guide you to his Magic... The Magic of Crowhaven.
Kentucky may be popular about its country music -and KFC that rules- but here is a little Hard Rock / Heavy Metal jewel pressed in vinyl format including 9 tracks, each one of them to complete the magical puzzle of Crowhaven. First of all I would like to give you a general picture of this masterpiece that is actually a mixture of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, those terms may sound a little typical to you but believe me if you listen to the music of this band the word "typical" is the last one that would come into your mind. It is the way that this band builds each and every single part of the songs included in the album and of course the performance and the musical style of each Crowhaven member: the strange obscure melodies and guitar themes of Bucky Bryant and Brad Oaks, the characteristic and passionate vocals of Gary Duncil -he is also responsible for the bass lines and those magnificent keyboard themes- and last but not least the drumming of Brett Lane who is laying some almost Progressive rhythms on his drum kit making the Crowhaven stuff even mroe adventurous. I would say that the word obscure fits perfectly to the stuff included into this LP.
Kentucky may be popular about its country music -and KFC that rules- but here is a little Hard Rock / Heavy Metal jewel pressed in vinyl format including 9 tracks, each one of them to complete the magical puzzle of Crowhaven. First of all I would like to give you a general picture of this masterpiece that is actually a mixture of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, those terms may sound a little typical to you but believe me if you listen to the music of this band the word "typical" is the last one that would come into your mind. It is the way that this band builds each and every single part of the songs included in the album and of course the performance and the musical style of each Crowhaven member: the strange obscure melodies and guitar themes of Bucky Bryant and Brad Oaks, the characteristic and passionate vocals of Gary Duncil -he is also responsible for the bass lines and those magnificent keyboard themes- and last but not least the drumming of Brett Lane who is laying some almost Progressive rhythms on his drum kit making the Crowhaven stuff even mroe adventurous. I would say that the word obscure fits perfectly to the stuff included into this LP.
There is something majestic and mysterious spread around the songs. Close your eyes as the intro of the opening "Paradise" track is welcoming you in the album, listen to the narrative almost haunted but so melodic vocals of Garry... The heavier than hell main riff of Testify would soon fill the air... you have been warned... "Time & Time Again" follows and you will be able to here some bombastic guitar stuff in here as well. "Little Angel", "Don't Tell Me' and "Heavy Metal Darlin'" follows in the same melodic sitll strange -and beautiful-, unique musical style of Crowhaven.
One of my favorite tracks in here is called "Hero" perhaps the most epic composition included in the album with its pounding main riff, the drumming and the great lead guitars to make a little mysterious opus. Garry's vocals will once more fill the air with their strange melodies.. he is sure under the spell, no doubt about it. You will find yourself closing your eyes once again on the track that follows... Yes I am referring to "The Crow" and its enigmatic, melodic interlude., that will drive you deep into the song...
The grant finale belongs to "Changes" which is in my opinion the best song in the album. Garry gives a real vocal performance in here while the song's main melodies and the lead themes would stick into your mind forever even from the first listening. But there is something special about this song a mix of agony, passion, melancholy and anger that makes it so unique and special. Words are poor, you got to listen...
Well you would not really realize what is going on in this album from the very first listening... and to tell you truth I really needed sometime to get into the record but once I have been trapped into the spell of Crowhaven it was impossible to escape.
The band is sitll in aciton and prepares their second album. We really can not wait for it. 25 years later and the fire sitll burns, the passion is there and Crowhaven don't care about the time that have passed, they are ready to strike again. beware of the Wizard!
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