Canadian Metal masters have returned. I doubt that anyone of you seriously around into Metal would expect nothing more or nothing less by Anvil than a straight into the face, powerful album full with the best Classic Heavy Metal around. Yes dudes tis is exactly what they are offering into their latest release entitled "Juggernauts Of Justice".
The big deal with Anvil is that as the years go by the band seems to deliver even more powerful steel remaining stuck into their guns eeh guitars I mean, you will realize it by the very first listening of the new album.
It starts with the most powerful tracks of the whole record that have been wisely put as openers. "Juggernaut Of Justice" is a riff based Metal dynamite that will take you by storm as far as the second one "when All Hells Break Loose" can be simply marked as "the ultimate song to bang your fucking head for the year 2011", well this is absolutely my favorite one form the album and you would understand its power for real when you listen it really loud -if you have a beer on the hand it will be cool-, this song will really stick in your mind, no doubt about this.
There are many more real good tunes on the album: mid tempo "New Orleans Voodoo" a mid tempo, dark and Heavy as hell tune, "On Fire" that will make you simply ask the barman for another beer and will blown you away with its amazing guitars, "Turn It Up" which is another fast and bombing tune and "Conspiracy" which is another mid tempo Heavy Metal anthem by Anvil, kudos for the lyrics in this one. "Paranormal" is also a song that caught my attention for the reason that it is one of the darkest -and heaviest- songs the band has written, it has a Doom Metal touch... you know slow and heavy stuff, although it will finish in a fast and powerful metal explosion, check it out. Ah yes I almost forgot to say that the record has one of the greatest musical epilogues that I have heard the last years. The band is performing a swing tune filling it with guitar themes, full forced drumming and some excellent solos, "Swing Thing" is the name of the track and it rules.
If you expect some really good Heavy Metal riffs, some excellent lead themes and solos and a party atmosphere you are in the right place, the right time. The new Anvil album is here.
Another great album by Anvil. Another great chapter in their history, another reason for us to love and respect them. This album is another proof of their dedication to Heavy Metal. No matter the ears that have passed, no matter the difficulties that this band have passed they are still here kicking some serious asses and giving lessons to the newer ones. Respect.
Check the opening same titled track here:
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