Σάββατο 23 Μαρτίου 2013

Jeff Ulmer (Sacred Blade) passes away...

Oliver Weinsheimer (KEEP IT TRUE FESTIVAL) posted the following message on his facebook page:

"Today we mourn the death of one of the very few geniuses in Heavy Metal. Jeff Ulmer of Sacred Blade. Its still hard for me to find words...Jeff was a legend of the underground scene. "Of The Sun And Moon" is one of the best albums ever and had its unique sound. Jeff was known as a perfectionist, who was never satisfied with his already perfect work. For many years we tried to get Sacred Blade to Keep It True one day and he was optimistic that we can do it once...but now the surprising message of his death killed all hope at once. So lets celebrate his music, which will remain forever. Thank you Jeff, we will never forget you and will dedicate the upcoming Keep it True to your legacy..."

When we have more info about Jeff's death we'll post.

RIP Jeff....

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